Bisync,3780,SNA/RJE,3770,FTP and Async File Transfer Solutions Bisync,3780,SNA/RJE,3770,FTP and Async File Transfer Solutions
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Automated file transfer solution for Zmodem, Ymodem, and Xmodem protocols Automated file transfer solution for Zmodem, Ymodem, and Xmodem protocols

FileLink Specifications

Supports Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem

General Features

  • Powerful script language for completely unattended operation
  • Support for popular file transfer protocols including Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem
  • Integrated FileLink Script Editor for script file editing
  • Auto-dial and auto-answer with Hayes compatible modems
  • Direct connection for modem-less connections
  • Up to 56K bps over dial-up lines; up to 115.2K bps for direct async modem connections
  • COM/OLE interface for programmatic control from user-written applications
  • "Hot send" feature for automatic file transmission
  • Automatic naming of received files
  • Terminal applet for interactive TTY sessions
  • Support for custom ASCII-EBCDIC translation tables
  • Complete session log with date and time stamps
  • Built-in diagnostic message logging and debugging window
  • Multiple simultaneous sessions from a single system (FileLink XE only)
  • Configurable for COM1 up to COM9 (FileLink XE permits simultaneous use of COM1 through COM48)

Script Language Features

  • Execute scripts from the command line, batch files, parent processes, or the FileLink menu
  • Execute external processes and evaluate results
  • Command line parameter substitution
  • Call scripts from within scripts
  • Powerful scheduling commands to run scripts at any time, day or night, weekly, etc.
  • Send and receive e-mail messages
  • Advanced event scheduling commands
  • Uniquely name files using time and date variables
  • Branching and looping commands
  • Extensive result codes and error testing
  • Commands to display messages and prompts to interact with an operator
  • User-defined string variables
  • Numeric operations on variables
  • Read and write local files
  • String and sub-string manipulation
  • Shell out to run DOS window command line commands (e.g., DIR, COPY)
  • Commands for interactive prompting and messaging
  • Authenticate remote user names and passwords
  • Zip and unzip commands
  • View the complete list of commands

Async Features

  • ASCII mode for simple, unblocked transmission and reception of text files
  • Kermit, Xmodem, Xmodem1K, Ymodem, and Zmodem protocols for blocked, error-correcting transmission and reception of text and binary files
  • Override control on remotely named files sent to FileLink
  • Configurable compression control and 7- or 8-bit data path (Kermit)
  • Both 128 and 1K block size; configurable CRC or LRC block check methods (Xmodem and Xmodem1K)
  • Configurable CRC or LRC block checking
  • Configurable ACK control (referred to as the G-option for the Xmodem1K and Ymodem protocols)
  • Configurable Zmodem sliding window
  • Configurable sliding window; "over-write" file control; and crash recovery (Zmodem)

Documentation and Support

FileLink is extensively and clearly documented in online (and printable) help files that are maintained along with the product. Basic e-mail technical support is included at no additional cost for one full year. Premium support contracts are also available. Click here for more details.

FileLink XE - Extended Server Edition

FileLink XE includes all of the features of FileLink but enables multiple simultaneous file transfer sessions up to a maximum of 48 sessions from a single PC.

Call us at (512) 345-2211 for more information.

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