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Locating Your Serial Number

The serial number for most Serengeti products can be be found in many places. Below is a list of serial number locations that apply to most Serengeti products. Please consult the Help file that came with your Serengeti product for complete details.

  • Splash Screen - The serial number is displayed on the splash screen which pops up when the product is launched.

  • About Menu - Select the About... option from the Help menu in the product's main window.

  • Invoice - The serial number is printed on the invoice you received when you purchased your Serengeti product.

  • License Card - The serial number is printed on the green license card that is shipped with all Serengeti products that are distributed on CD or other physical media.

  • CD - The serial number is included in a file called "setup.ini" which is in the root directory of the CD. The serial number will generally NOT be printed on the CD label.

  • Confirmation E-mail - The serial number is included in the order confirmation e-mail you received when you purchased your Serengeti product.

  • Log Files - All Serengeti products have the ability to generate log files with information which is useful for diagnosing communications problems. In general, the serial number will be included at the top of these files.

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