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BSCLIB API Function Calls

The BSCLIB API provides the functions listed below to control the communications process. This function calls are by way of a Bisync Control Block (BCB). A sample program which demonstrates each of these functions is included with the BSCLIB software development kit (SDK). The BSCLIB API calls are 100% compatible across all supported hardware and software platforms. For real-time and interactive applications, BSCLIB is designed to immediately return control to your application after an API function is called. This allows your application to continue while BSCLIB processes the request.


Opcode - Function Subopcode - Description
0 - INITIALIZE 0 - Store parameters
1 - Read translation table
2 - Store translation table
10 - Clear received terminal ID
1 - INSTALL DRIVER 0 - Install BSC driver
1 - Force reset & install
2 - OPEN 0 - Auto-dial modem
1 - Open communications
3 - READ 0 - Standard
1 - Abort read
2 - Initiate RVI
3 - Uni-directional Standard read (NASDAQ feeds)
4 - Read to ETX block (for conversational replies)
10 - Fetch received terminal ID
11 - Fetch selected station address ID
20 - Store multi-point 'select' address
21 - Store multiple 'select' addresses
22 - Add 'select' address
23 - Remove 'select' address
4 - WRITE 0 - Standard
1 - Send ETB block
2 - Send ETX block
3 - Send ETX block and EOT
4 - Send forward abort
10 - Send line tickle
11 - Send EOT
20 - Store multipoint 'poll' address
5 - ABORT I/O -
6 - I/O STATUS -
7 - STATISTICS 0 - Initialize statistics counters
1 - Read statistics counters
8 - TRACE 0 - Initialize
1 - Start
2 - Stop
3 - Read queue
4 - Reset
9 - CLOSE 0 - Standard
1 - Leave DTR on
0 - Enter DATA mode
1 - Enter TALK mode
2 - Issue modem command
3 - Return Sync-Up modem type
12 - HARDWARE COMMANDS 0 - Return hardware type
1 - Return driver serial number
2 - Request driver ownership
3 - Release driver ownership
4 - Raise DTR
5 - Drop DTR
6 - Enable AutoSync mode (UNIX)
8 - Return number of installed SmartSync/DCP adapters
9 - Set block response time-out
10 - Set maximum async baud rate
12 - Get AT modem dial command string
13 - Store AT modem dial command string
14 - Get AT modem answer command string
15 - Store AT modem answer command string
16 - Restore default modem command strings
20 - Enable buffered reads
21 - Disable buffered reads

  More Info...

  BSCLIB Specs

  Data Sheet (PDF)



  Technical Support

  Sample Code

  API Functions

  API Control Block


  What is Bisync?

  See a 3780 Terminal

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