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Recent New Features in FileLink

  • An authorization code is no longer required for 30-day trial.
  • Add ability to archive files are they are being sent.
  • Add CREATEMAIL, SENDMAIL, and GETMAIL script commands to send and receive E-mail messages under script control.
  • Add support for user-defined functions within script files with new BEGINFUNCTIONS, FUNCTION, ENDFUNCTION, and RETURN script commands.
  • Add /maxsize and /new options to LOG script command that control the maximum size that the log file can grow to and automatically create a new, uniquely named log file when appropriate.
  • Add /nospaces option to SENDFILE script command to replace spaces in file names for compatibility with Unix servers (spaces are converted to underscores).
  • Add /lower and /upper options to SENDFILE and RCVFILE script command to convert path names to all lower or all upper case, respectively, when transferring files.
  • Add LOGNTEVENT script command to add messages to the NT event log.
  • Add MOVE script command to move (copy and delete) a file from one location to another.
  • Add MAKEFILENAME script command to create a unique, non-existant local file name.
  • Add CONSOLE [ /on | /off ] script command to control command echo and message output to the console window.
  • Add /delete option to SENDFILE and RCVFILE script commands to automatically delete a file after a successful transmission.
  • Add /ifnsamesz option to SENDFILE and RCVFILE script commands to prevent transmission or reception of a file when it exists and is the same size.
  • Add /subdirs option to SENDFILE and RCVFILE script commands to traverse subdirectories and send or receive all files in a specified path.
  • GETNEXTFILE script command skips files that are open.
  • Add IMPORT and EXPORT script commands and menu controls to import and export configuration settings.
  • Add option to send us your feedback via the Internet.
  • Improve uninstall procedure allowing for more dependable license control if the product is removed.
  • Edit script button presents a file selection dialog rather than immediately opening current script file
  • Add server directory listings and other multi-line responses to trace window and log file.
  • Add Registry creation on start-up so that configurator does not need to be run at least once first.
  • Increase command line argument size from 40 to 256 bytes.
  • Permit script labels to be indented.
  • Script commands marked with a leading '@' character prevent command and results from being echoed to the console and log file.
  • Script commands marked with a leading '!' character only echo results to the console and log file.
  • Add %lasterror variable set to result of the most recent script command.
  • Add %nextpath variable set to the complete path of the file saved in the %nextfile variable.
  • Add shortcut -c command line switch to copy Registry from HKCU to HKLM on program startup so NT 'at' scheduler (and similar resources) can be used.

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